Ξένες γλώσσες

“Imaginary creatures”

The pupils of the 6th class have drawn and presented their favourite cartoon characters, as part of the lesson on “Imaginary creatures”.





The pupils of the E2 class drew their favourite emoticons and created new ones in the classroom.

Happy Prince Story

Is the prince really happy in the story of the "Hpapy Prince"? The pupils of the E2 class read the story and talked about the power of love and other values of life. They made small posters with drawings, key words and ideas from the story. On the class tree they added their leaves with actions of kindness and love both in English and Greek.

Making penfriends

                                                                                                                              School year: 2018-2019

Pupils of the 4th grade exchanged letters with their peers at Severnbanks Primary School , Lydney, Gloucestershire. Pupils wrote about themselves, their interests, school and school subjects. Everybody enjoyed sending and receiving letters! It was really fun!

Favourite Receipes

The pupils of the E1 class with their English teacher (Giazasi Elisavet) made a book of their favourite receipes in the English lesson.

Θεατρική παράσταση «Peter Pan- The British Musical» από τη ΣΤ’ Τάξη του 88ου Δ.Σ. Θεσ/νίκης

At the end of the school year the students of the 6th grade presented "Peter Pan- The British Musical". The performance was a real success! Congratulations to all! The following animation videos were created by Katerina Moysidou.

English Teacher: Sophia Gekousidou